Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Friends of Blue Mound State Park plan to replace our aging, undersized, poorly placed woodshed with a multipurpose building to supply firewood and ice to park visitors without getting in the way of the park entry gates.  We are actively seeking donations from individuals or organizations that would like to be part of this project. Thank you for considering. (The Friends of Blue Mound State Park is a 501(c)(3) non-profit so donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.)

Proposed plan for woodshed

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


As we transition from this wonderful winter to spring at Blue Mound State Park there will be many interesting things happening.  The melting snow wakes up thousands of spring flowers. These small flowers, called ephemerals for their fleeting appearances, decorate the forest floor from late March to late May.  Below is a link to an identification page.  ( Note: the Hepatica in the park is Triloba, with smooth leaf edges and white to lavender flowers).  Remember, these plants are for viewing only, do not pick the flowers or dig them up.  Some are more abundant in the eastern part of the park than in the poorer soils on the Upper Mound.  Enjoy your visit to the park this spring.

Spring Ephemerals