Friday, December 22, 2017

Behind the Friends Shelter is a new outdoor gathering space with a beautiful fireplace.  This project was a Girl Scout "Gold Award" project done by Maggie Conway, a junior at Mount Horeb High School.  She planned, organized and helped build it.

Included in her project was the restoration of the old fireplace on the top of the mound.
Thank you Maggie!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Volunteer Appreciation Night at the Grumpy Troll in Mount Horeb went well, with many loyal volunteers attending. Numerous door prizes were given out and lots of pizza was enjoyed. 

Bob and Ann were the lucky winners of the beautiful painting of the Mounds donated by Bruce Fortney

Sunday, October 15, 2017

News regarding snowmobiles in the park:
A judge has ruled that the DNR disregarded its own rules when it approved snowmobiling in the park. Click here to read about the ruling.

Friday, September 22, 2017

2017 FWSP Trees & Flowers Grant – Blue Mound State Park
The Friends of Blue Mound State Park requested a grant in the amount of $100 to work with the Blue Mounds Garden Club to purchase plants and materials necessary to enhance the area around the Blue Mound State Park Entrance Visitor Station (PEVS).
The Blue Mounds Garden Club designed and donated plants from their own gardens for this project, so the total cost was only $92.31 which included bags of filler soil and a soaker hose. The remaining funds, including the promised matching $100 from the Friends of Blue Mound State Park, will be used to beautify the new Friends Shelter sign, once it is installed.

The Blue Mounds Garden Club and other park volunteers donated their time for the installation.

The Park donated the mulch.